1. EBCDIC stands for
Correct Answer : a. Extended Binary Coded Decimal I nter change Code
Explanation: EBCDIC is an 8-bit binary code for larger IBMs primarily mainframes in which each byte represent one alphanumeric character or two decimal digits. 256 characters can be coded using EBCDIC.
BCD is
Cor r ect Answer : a. Binar y Coded Decimal
Explanation: BCD is a binar y coded notation in which each of the decimal digits is expr essed as a 8-bit binar y numer al.
For example in binar y coded decimal notation 12 is 0001 0010 as opposed to 1100 in pur e binar y.
ASCI I stands for
Cor r ect Answer : c. Amer ican Standar d Code for I nformation I nter change
Explanation: ASCI I is a code which conver ts char acter s – letter s, digits, punctuations and contr ol char acter s such as Alt,
Tab etc – into numer al form. ASCI I code is used to r epr esent data inter nally in micr o-computer s. ASCI I codes ar e 7 bits
and can r epr esent 0 to 127 and extended ASCI I ar e 8 bits that r epr esents 0 to 255.
Which of the following is fir st gener ation of computer
Cor r ect Answer : a. EDSAC
Explanation: I BM-1401, CDC-1604 is second gener ation computer . I CL-2900 is a four th gener ation computer . EDSAC is
impor tant in the development of computer since it was the fir st computer to use John von. Neumann’s Stor ed Pr ogr am
Concept. I t used 3000 vacuum tubes and computer s with vacuum tubes ar e of fir st gener ation computer s.
6.Chief component of fir st gener ation computer was
Cor r ect Answer : b. Vacuum Tubes and Valves
Explanation: Tr ansistor s wer e used for second gener ation computer s and integr ated cir cuits in thir d gener ation. Fir st
gener ation computer s used vacuum tubes and valves as their main electr onic component. Vacuum Tubes wer e invented
by Lee DeFor est in 1908.
Cor r ect Answer : c. Formula Tr anslation
Explanation: FORTRAN (Formula Tr anslation) is one of the ear lier High Level pr ogr amming languages used to wr ite
scientific applications. I t was developed by I BM in 1956.
EEPROM stand for
Cor r ect Answer : a. Electr ically Er asable Pr ogr ammable Read Only Memor y
Explanation: Ther e ar e thr ee types of ROM namely, PROM, EPROM and EEPROM. PROM can’t be r epr ogr ammed,
EPROM can be er ased by exposing it in high intensity ultr aviolet light and EEPROM can be er ased and r epr ogr ammed
electr ically. I t is not needed to be r emoved fr om the computer to be modified.
Second Gener ation computer s wer e developed dur ing
Cor r ect Answer : 1956 to 1965
Explanation: Second gener ation computer s used tr ansistor s as their main electr onic component. Tr ansistor was invented
by Bell Lab Scientists John Bur deen, Walter Br attain and William Shockley in 1947 and won the Nobel Pr ize in 1956 but it
was not used in computer s till 1956. The second gener ation continued until the implementation of I C chips invented by
Jack Kilby in Texas I nstr uments in 1958.
The computer size was ver y lar ge in
Cor r ect Answer : a. Fir st Gener ation
Explanation: I t is obvious that computer s developed with mor e power , r eliability, speed and smaller sizes due to the
enhancement of technology. Fir st gener ation computer s used 1000s of vacuum tubes that r equir ed lot of space made
them gigantic in size. Single tr ansistor could r eplace 1000 vacuum tubes and a single I C chip r eplaced 1000s of
tr ansistor s made computer s smaller and mor e speedy.